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The Feeling Compass
It all happens in a moment. You are feeling generally pretty upbeat. Sure, it has been a challenge, lately. But you are happy, right? You...

Why Games Work When Goals Don’t
I'm lucky. I did not play any organized team sports growing up. And I didn't participate in any competitions like spelling bees, dance...

I Don’t Want To And You Can’t Make Me!
And now, my ornery inner kid is working up to a temper tantrum because, while she loves to do many, many things, she hates to “have to”...
Weeds! Weeds! Weeds!
My garden has become just a bit overrun with weeds. What’s that got to do with bringing your creative work to the world? Quite a lot, it...
What Are You Waiting For?
Grace Judson, friend, colleague, cool coach and founder of Svaha Concepts sent me the article she wrote yesterday in which she shared the...
Need a little space?
A few days ago, I had a very odd computer occurrence. No matter how hard I pressed the space bar, Ihadnospace. Allmywordsrantogether. I...
Here’s Mud In Your Eye!
Ahhh…spring! The longer days, the warm sun, the returning birds, and…the mud. Yep, mud. Just at the time we are “raring to go” to break...
The Power of A Good Story
I love a good story. Don’t you? Stories work on us, they take us places, and they let us plumb the depths of our wisdom for new ways to...
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